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The Last Harem
The Last Harem Read online
Based on the True Story
of Aphrodite Antonia Dorian
George P. Saunders
Aphrodite Antonia Dorian
Copyright © 2012 George P. Saunders and Aphrodite Antonia Dorian
All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owners.
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Also by George P. Saunders
Foreword & Acknowledgements
The Big Picture
Just Folks, Really...
Wait a Minute – You're Leaving Tomorrow?
An Ugly American
Easy Lies the Head that Wears the Crown
Birthdays and Plots
As George recalls...
A Little Wine Here and There is Good for the Heart
Sex, Crabs and Throwing the First Punch
Sailing, Tits and Nipples
The Biggest Little Harem you Ever did See...
Coffee, Tea, Singapore
As George Remembers Singapore...
Sing, Money, Sing!
We're Back in Kansas, Toto!
The Goddess of Love and Beauty
Epilogue and Conclusions
Also by George P. Saunders
Whatever Gods May Be
Rzzdik Zolan is a time traveler from a planet 1,000 light years from Earth. He had been assigned to Earth as an evolutionary observer, and his travels have taken him to every era of human history – from the day Christ died on the cross – to the 21st Century, where World War III strikes out of the blue.
Earth in 1 million years, A.D. is a burned out hell-hole populated by mutated bloodsuckers called Redeyes, and led by a mysterious all-powerful being known as The Resistor. Humans have reverted to prehistoric primitives, and are slowly dying out as a species.
Due to the World War, several unwitting parties, including Rizzdik Zolan, have been thrust into the future. Colonels John and Cathy Phillips, on a rare shuttle mission to the space station, are also catapulted into this decaying future, along with Thalick – an intergalactic traveler that resembles an enormous scorpion. Earth is a dying cinder, and yet one hope remains for it: the young daughter of John and Cathy Phillips – Valry Phillips - who may hold the secret to Earth’s salvation – or it’s inevitable destruction and ownership by the Resistor. It will be up to Zolan, Thalick and young Valry to do battle against the most powerful evil Earth has ever known.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great book, May 17, 2012
Review By:
D. Suber
Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: Whatever Gods May Be (Kindle Edition)
I read one of his other books and enjoyed it so much that I had to try another. This book was an excellent read for the scifi fan. It is original and I didnt know if I was going to like it or not but I have found another great author to get more books from.
Gray Area
Lou Diamond is known for being the best field agent around in the Los Angeles Police Department's elite division, the Office of Special Services. The OSS, quite simply, gets the worst crime jobs on the planet-and Lou Diamond, at one time or another, has seen them all. An ex-tactical assault agent with Special Weapons and Tactics, Diamond has enjoyed a near one hundred percent success rate in solving any crime, anywhere.
But when lawyers suddenly end up mysteriously dying at his brother's prestigious law firm, the evidence to be found is wanting in every way. The suspects in Lou Diamond's book are all dirty in some way, but all clear of the suspicion of murder. As the body count continues to grow at the firm he is investigating, so to does Diamond's belief that the murderer at large is killing with a purpose other than personal revenge.
Things become more complicated still when he meets one of the firm's most powerful partners, the beautiful and alluring, Linda Baylor. Compelled into a bizarre, sexual relationship with Baylor, Diamond begins to have a terrible suspicion that there is a gray area between sex, trust and blood. And that at the end of the day, nothing is as it seems-and no one is who they claim to be.
Lou Diamond comes to understand that the end result of such ambiguity is death.
5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome neo-noir thriller, April 7, 2012
Review By:
ForTheQuinn (Austin, TX, US)
Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: Gray Area (Kindle Edition)
This is a very cool detective story that was a lot of fun to read. The writing is fast-paced, engaging, and dialogue heavy, reminiscent of Elmore Leonard at his best. It draws you in right from the beginning and keep you interested with constantly building tension, unexpected twists, just the right amount of sex and violence, and an entertaining and unique cast of three-dimensional characters. Saunders has created a fantastic piece of crime fiction here and furthered my belief that he is a master of whatever genre he attempts. I highly recommend this book to any fan of detective fiction.
The Last Elf
The last elf is over one million years old. He has been awakened to the time of Today, for a great mission: to do battle with the evil Black Elf, with the help of three children and a cowardly beagle named Junkett.
Assisting the elf in his cause, is a wizard named Dellick, and an amazing creature the size of a dragon called a Bandanglesnort. Together, these odd individuals must transport themselves to Other World, where the Black Elf plots and plans to destroy our world forever.
Once in Other World, the last elf, Junket, and friends confront adventures and creatures unbelievable to sight and imagination. Jenny, a friendly ghost, and Therlock, a grumpy vampire, join the group, as they must all face giant brain-eating snakes, Demon Helpers to the Black Elf, goblins, and gigantic scorpions.
The clock is ticking against our heroes, for the Black Elf aims to murder all the children in Other World, and then target our world shortly thereafter. It is up to the last elf, Junkett and company to stop not only wholesale murder in Other World-but the destruction of Earth itself!
5.0 out of 5 stars Enjoyable Read, April 1, 2012
Review By:
George J Barendse
This review is from: The Last Elf (Kindle Edition)
The Last Elf is fun, fun, fun---for young and old. I love to read it to my children and every time I do so, I enjoy the story myself. Harry Potter was great but this is better. Buy it---highly recommended.
Mars, The Bringer of War
John Mars is the oldest astronaut in the fleet and the commander of Challenger II. His latest assignment from NASA is a top-secret shuttle mission to the moon to investigate a mysterious signal. What he finds is an alien robot that murders his crew and destroys the source of that signal - a deep-space probe. When John returns to Earth without his crew, the probe, or any evidence of what really happened on his mission, NASA forces him into retirement.
Humiliated and disgraced, John takes a job as a pilot for a commercial airline, unaware that his experience on the moon has marked him more than psychologically: in the battle to save his crew and himself, John Mars was injected with an alien tracking device.
One nigh
t, while flying his regular route, John and the occupants of his plane, including his fiancé Anna, are whisked aboard a gigantic ship and thrown into deep space toward the Andromeda Galaxy - home to an Alien species called "Sels". The Sels live for one thing only, colonization of all worlds in the known universe. And now they've got their sights set on Earth. But in order to decide if Earth is a worthy adversary, the Sels have something special planned for John - a kind of alien vetting program.
John, Anna and the rest of his group arrive on a Sel planet used for wargames, where alien life forms are pitted against one another - and the Sels - in death battles. One by one, John Mars' small group of survivors succumb to the Sels. But a larger problem looms for Mars - even if he can survive the Sel wargames, how could he ever get back home and warn Earth of impending invasion and assimilation into the Sel Empire?
5.0 out of 5 stars Mars Review, April 16, 2012
Review By:
Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: Mars, The Bringer Of War (Kindle Edition)
I thoroughly enjoyed the book and would recommend it to everyone. Very interesting concepts with lots of action and very good descriptions of make believe places and combatants. It kept my attention all the way to the end.
Monster Vice
The time is tomorrow. A meteor storm has allowed monsters of every order to run free across the planet. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, demons and other atrocities are the new bad guys on the block. To contend with this prevalent threat, various law enforcement agencies have created special divisions to deal with the monster epidemic. LAPD has created Monster Vice, and its senior cop is Dick Pitts -- a specialist in monster extermination. On a daily basis, Pitts stakes vampires, executes werewolves, and exorcises demons. When his partner is killed, he is assigned a new partner named Curadel -- who is in fact Dracula -- a greatly misunderstood Dracula through the ages and a Dracula who has become a cop to help humanity deal with the vampire plague. Now, Pitts and Dracula must team up and fight a Grand Master - the most powerful vampire in the world - who is hell bent on transforming every child in Los Angeles into a bloodsucking killing machine. Pitts and Dracula create a special platoon of 'fang warriors' -- their mission: to find the Grand Master and shut down his evil plans before the streets of LA are flooded in a sea of blood.
5.0 out of 5 stars Definitely a 5 star read!, April 10, 2012
Review By:
This review is from: Monster Vice (Kindle Edition)
I really loved Monster Vice because it is written in the second person and a strange style. I must admit.... I love vampires and demons, and I especially loved the hero, Dick Pitts, who must have sex daily so he doesn't go vampire crazy and start biting people. Five stars.
The Art of Whoring – Adventures in Prostitution
A fun-filled romp and true account of one man's lascivious adventures with pay-for-love, featuring stories, anecdotes, advice and recommendations. Not for the meek, this no-holds-barred manual for those curious about whoring, or who want to compare their experiences with the author's, pulls no punches. If you liked Beer in Hell, you'll love The Art of Whoring, which affectionately nods at the Sun Tzu classic as its leering model. A book whose time has come, for which there exists no parallel, love it or hate it, you've never read anything quite like it. Adult content and language.
5.0 out of 5 stars Two thumbs up, May 19, 2012
Review By:
Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: The Art of Whoring - Adventures in Prostitution (Kindle Edition)
An enlightening, hilarious, and deliciously dirty read. Besides entertaining you, it will also educate you. I haven't enjoyed a book as much as I have this one, in a long time. George recounts his personal journey with various females in vivid detail. This book will shock you, and have you laughing so hard your neighbors will wonder what you are up too. By far, the best book I've read in some time. You won't be disappointed.
In 1997, Shannon Marketic, former Miss USA sued a kingdom that, arguably, possessed Harems. Her suit was against the Sultan of Brunei, and his brother, Prince Jefri, for $40 billion dollars. Her charge: That the Sultanate had kept her a virtual slave, abused her sexually and confiscated her passport during her contracted visit to Brunei as a "palace hostess."
The charge was dismissed, for no criminal charges can be filed against a foreign head of state. The United States Government pursued no further investigation into Ms. Marketic's allegations as to what transpired in that particular Harem…
Foreword & Acknowledgements
George really did all the writing of this book, and I believe he did a good job of capturing my voice throughout. I can, on occasion, be 'blunt' though if you met and spoke with me on first blush, you would not find me a vulgar woman whatsoever. My mom didn't raise no trailer trash, as they say.
I want to thank George in particular for helping me put together this book, and continuing to be my friend, long after we separated, back in 1998.
We also want to thank Amy Jirsa-Smith for her unbelievably helpful assistance in the editing of my story.
Also, thanks to Katherina Judy, who is the marketing director behind all of George's books, and the anchor that holds this literary ship afloat.
Many thanks also to my photographer, Sherrie Blondin, and support always from my fiancé, Bill Sheaffer, and last, to the memory of my dear mother, Eve Kushner.
George also wishes to dedicate this book, as with all of his books, to his mother and father, Rose and George, who are hopefully somewhere doing shots of tequila and chuckling non-stop at continued events here on Earth.
The night was a surrealistic backdrop to my own private nightmare.
As I ran through the palace halls of the sultanate, I still had the presence of mind to ask myself, how much worse could things get?
I thought being raped in Japan would be the highlight of horror in my life, but it seemed, as of now, there was another zenith to the various calamities of late.
I tried to focus, but I knew that whatever that bitch, Dawn, had given me an hour ago, was going to stay in my system for awhile. I could hear the distant footsteps of the palace guards somewhere down another hallway.
I focused as best as I could and staggered on.
I hoped Jefri, aka "Robin" would not see me in this condition. It would be embarrassing and then I would have to point fingers at the person who drugged me up. I'm guessing Dawn laced my drink with some very strong ecstasy, or more likely, illegally obtained PCP. I'd had a bad reaction to this date-rape drug a few years back, but at that time, it was due to some unethical college jock who wanted into my pants badly. He had his way, the prick, but it also made me sick for two days. I'm thinking allergic reaction, this side of anaphylactic shock.
I turned a corner, and ran smack into two men in suits, who grabbed me, as I screamed.
"Let go of me, you bastards!" I gurgled, though my protests were ineffectual at best. I felt the urge to yark, and in fact, did so a moment later, right onto one of the guard's chest.
"Sorry," I said.
"It's alright, Miss. You're sick."
"No, really?"
These Muslim guys had a gift for understatement.
I feel I had, in some ways, grown hard here in the palace these past few months. No reason, really; I was a harem girl, a whore, for all practical purposes, ostensibly here as a glamorous hostess to the Sultan of Brunei and his younger brother, Prince Jefri.
From whence could originate the hardness?
I allowed the guards to lead me down another hallway.
"Please don't tell the prince about this," I said softly, licking the remainder of barf off my upper lip.
"This will be held in strictest confidence, Miss," the older guard assured me, and I believed him. Why not? Prince Jefri would hardly want to know that one of his semi-favorite whores was runni
ng around half naked in the far end of his palace. Certainly, he would not approve; most definitely, his four wives would find disfavor as well.
I was returned to my quarters, and one guard stayed with me for half an hour, probably to make sure I didn't take to the halls once again, acting like a mad woman. Dr. Sam, the palace physician, was discreetly brought in to examine me, but he ascertained as I did, that I was mildly drugged – not so mildly as to not behave like some raving asshole-banshee woman, however. I was embarrassed and ashamed, but assured again, this was a matter that would never come to light to the royal personages.
Aside from an episode like tonight, life within the confines of the Sultan of Brunei was not terrible.
If you didn't mind being a well-paid chattel for sexual services.
How so much had changed since I arrived to Brunei these many months ago.
As I look back now, I wonder if I would have taken this gig, given the chance to do it all over again.
Answer: Probably.
By my best estimation, I was now worth almost a million dollars, simply for spreading my legs and looking beautiful six nights a week.
I think all of us have to whore themselves once in awhile, no matter what line of work one may be in. Politics, selling cars, law (definitely law).
Whoring is really just an art of compromise.
You have to be good at it to get anywhere in life.
Me … I was a damned genius at compromise.
That, and according to my net worth to date, I possessed a golden vagina. My father once crudely said that all women are sitting on a fortune. He was to be proven right, at least in my case.